Thursday, May 7, 2009

Muffins with Mom

Yesterday was "Muffins with Mom" day at Audrey's preschool. Each child had made a folder with a painting on the front, and a "gift of words" on the inside. This was mine ....

I think she wrote about the banana-chocolate chip muffins because she and I had just made them together... the truth is that right now I like to eat EVERYTHING! Especially ice cream, mmm, ice cream ... I'll be back in a minute ...

It's so fun to see Audrey and her classmates in their own little environment. I love that she gets so excited that I am coming to her class .... I gotta treasure this part of childhood because I know one day she will be embarrassed to walk through the mall with me. :)

And just for fun, I'll post this picture. I found Carter walking around the house wearing my sunglasses today ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet!!!! That's just the most adorable thing! Carter is too cute in those sunglasses. I hope you guys are in store for a sunny weekend! We'll be down in West Chester all weekend and I just keep praying that we get some nice sunlight...wasn't it like 9 straight days of rain here in PA? Boooo!

Happy Mother's Day, lady!