Tuesday, September 29, 2009

another reason I'm glad I married my husband

Today when I got up I found this on the kitchen table.

Sorry that it's kinda blurry, my camera isn't super duper with zoom. It says: "Amy, Hope you have a good day.  Thanks for all you do at home.  I love you, Chad".  He also had notes for the kids! Gotta love this kind of start to your day....
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Kaylee said...

Is it ironic that the post-it note is stuck right next to the word 'isolation'?? :)

But seriously, that is super nice. I hope you have a great day too! :)

Karen said...

That is so sweet and will go a long way to make you feel loved and appreciated. Wow!! Good job Chad!

Chris Ann Schultz said...

That is so sweet. That is very thoughtful. I'm sure that made your day better. Mine always is off to a good start when Ralph comes to pray with me before he leaves the house, it's a special time together, on days I don't leave at the same time or carpool with him! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

That's the kind of sweet little note that needs to become a bookmark for you or something. Very nice. Hope Chad isn't (too) embarrassed that you posted his post it for all to see. :)

nateandkatesmom said...

Awww, sweet! Nice to know that you are appreciated. What a guy!