Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another winner quote from my daughter ...

This morning at breakfast, Audrey asked us "How do you get money?"

We said "You have to work for it."

This started a little discussion about chores, her job chart, and earning quarters, etc.

It got quiet for a minute or two, and then Audrey said: "Well Mommy, how do you get money, because you don't work for anything."

I took a deep breath. Motherhood is such a thankless job sometimes. I hope she gets to be a stay at home mom someday ...

At this point, my great husband jumped in and said "Audrey, Mommy's job isn't very fair, because Mommy works very hard, and she doesn't get paid for it!"

Thank you Chad. And Audrey, some day you will understand ...


Chris Ann Schultz said...

Wow! That would be a hard one to control those emotions. (By the way, Chantel thinks money grows on trees. She doesn't get an allowance. She earns things for good behavior sometimes, like candy at the store, etc.) Yeah Chad for stepping in to save the day, in your defense. Yes, working outside the home is a way easier job, other than the running around. I could never stay home full time, cost or difficulty wise of the constant demand on my time, no personal breaks! The other day I was in an emotional support class, which seemed almost easy, with God's help, since I treat them and could relate with things I've seen Chantel try. Also, some of the regular classes I've taught this week were chatty and disruptive with 3-4 times the number of students in it!

Karen said...

This is absolutely hilarious. I will be laughing for days about this. She sure is a witty little thing.

Allison said...

Ha! Yes, there are several times that I am thankful for the incredibly deep God-given love that we have for our serves to insulate them from having their parents hang them from their toes! :)

ErinOrtlund said...

Good for Chad! And I like the idea of a chore chart--what chores do you have Audrey do?

I've told Kate before that I used to have an office like Daddy does. This seems very strange to her!