Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowy Day

Yesterday morning we woke up to a winter wonderland! Over the course of the day we ended up with about 2 feet of snow.

A view of our deck

This little bird is managing to get some bird seed out of our feeder. Guess he wasn't going to find any on the ground today.

Carter out with Daddy while Daddy shovels, and shovels, and shovels some more

Audrey was out sitting on a snow castle eating snow. I chose to stay inside where it was warm and cozy. So did Chloe.

The snow messed with Carter's rescheduled-from-last-weekend friends birthday party.
So I got the idea to ask the 2 kids we had invited from the neighborhood over for cupcakes anyway ... along with their whole families. We ended up making homemade pizza and having cupcakes, and the kids had a great time playing together while the grown-ups talked. And Carter got to open his presents and have a "party".
Here are the kids "eating" (not a lot of eating took place, but they sure had fun giggling at the table!)
It made for a fun end of our snowy day. :)

I heard that we may get more snow on Wednesday. This is one of the snowiest winters on record in the Philadelphia area! I guess we're making up for the lack of snow over the past few winters!

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