Sunday, September 11, 2011


This past week Audrey turned 8.

Lately she is just REALLY grown-up.  On Friday night I was getting ready to take her over to a friend's house for a birthday party and a sleepover.  She had come home from school and packed up her stuff (all by herself). I did a double-check of the bag to make sure she had all her essentials and then I noticed.

"Audrey, did you forget your Baa?" I asked.  Baa, as in the dirty little lamb that she sleeps with every night and hugs as she falls asleep.

"I don't need him." Audrey quickly replied.

I said "okay" in a casual way, but I blinked back tears.  "It" is starting.

You see, Baa has been a constant in Audrey's life since well before her first birthday.  He has logged countless miles with us on numerous airplane and car trips.  He has almost been lost a few times (resulting in a search rivaling an Amber Alert!)  He has received at least two facial transplants.  And most importantly, he has been a constant and well-loved companion. As I said, Audrey has slept with him every night.

And truthfully, she still sleeps with him -- but I guess taking your stuffed animal to your friend's house is no longer acceptable. 

Of course I know Audrey is supposed to grow up.  And I want her to grow up.  In fact, I am enjoying many aspects of her being 8 years old.  I can generally reason with her and have real conversations about real things.  She and I have recently started writing each other "notes" back and forth in one of her notebooks and I L.O.V.E. this.

But then there is Baa, and it makes me sad that she will start needing him less and less.

Because you know what that means -- she will be needing me less and less too. 

And that just stirs up some very complex emotions in this Mama's heart.  :)

Happy Birthday my Baby Big girl. 
(Who is now taking pictures of herself with our camera... )

1 comment:

Kaylee said...

that mixed with the sad music I happen to be listening to along with some "sensitive" hormones is enough to send me my room with a box of kleenex. :( sniff, sniff. don't grow up little ones....