Thursday, December 2, 2010

Advent Prayer

This was given to me yesterday at my women's Bible study. I share it because it gave me much to reflect on and ponder, and I think it is a message we would all do well to remember.


"May my great aim, Lord, this Advent be to bring happiness to You, through the giving of myself - my time, my plans - for you to use as you see fit. My gift to you must take precedence over my gifts to my family and friends. For it is your birthday, Lord - not the children's, not friends' - but yours. Part of my gift to you must include my response to those lonely souls whom the world passes by: those whose need is so great that they cannot repay me; those whom I know but have never felt attracted to, and criticized. Forgive me, Lord.

So the spring cleaning of my spiritual house will take precedence over our physical home; the nourishment of our souls comes before the Christmas dinner; the beauty of loving hearts in harmony be more important to me than an array of tinsel and colored lights. And good, in-filling times alone with you must happen alongside good, outpouring times with friends and family. Help me Lord to get my priorities right so that the busy burden of this time may be turned into blessing.

May an awareness of your presence fill my every waking hour so that far from being squeezed out, you may come with me into my days, as my guide. For you are the only one who can help me find those surprising, secret springs of Christmas joy that you planted for us amongst the responsibilities, temptations, and heartaches of our world."

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