Praise God, Chloe appears to be doing well.
She has no fever. She is aggravated by the presence of her IV line. She is eating and sleeping and pooping like a champ. :) All good signs.
So far none of her "cultures" have come back positive (which is where they take her blood, urine, and spinal fluid samples and put them in a dish and see if bacteria grows). So probably no bacterial infection, which is what they were worried about. They need to give it a full 48 hours before they can say for sure, but they tell me that usually if something is going to grow, it does so in the first 12-24 hours. In any case, she has been receiving IV antibiotics in the event that bacteria is present.
Yesterday was pretty peaceful (albeit boring), although they had to redo her IV line AGAIN. I think she has been stuck about 6 times total in attempts to get a good IV. I guess little bitty veins are hard to find. The IV is now in her foot, which is yucky, but better than the scalp, which is where they would have to go if they couldn't get a vein in her foot! That would have been really freaky. Anyway, apparently Chloe put up quite the fight with the nurses over getting the IV in. The nurse brought her back and said to me - "That girl has bacterial meningitis like I'm tall and thin!" Guess she has far too much spunk to be all that sick.
Last night was kind of tough for me. Chloe was very fussy and had a hard time settling down to sleep. I was exhausted and had a pounding headache, and ironically, I'm sitting in a hospital yet I couldn't get a stinkin' advil to save my life ... until about 9 pm when the angel nurse I had gave me 2 from her personal stash. That nurse was a little gift from heaven. She came in at the start of her shift and asked how I was doing, at which point I said - "not so great" and burst into tears. She was a great help on so many levels. She even brought me ice cream with Hershey's syrup. :)
I am wishing, hoping and praying that we will be going home this evening. Please pray with me that this will be the case and that our lives can return to some semblence of normalcy soon. I am so thankful for everyone's thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. It gives me so much peace to know that so many people are holding us up with their prayers.