Saturday, August 16, 2008

Carter's New 'Do

I have spent the last few weeks wondering what to do with Carter's increasingly wavy mop of hair. I will admit: I have been resisting the thought of cutting off one precious curl. Curls are hard to come by in the Smith household, so I don't know where in the world he got his. But I have been afraid that once they were cut off, they would never come back! However, in the interest of good grooming, I decided recently that it was time for some of the flyaways to go.

On Friday, my neighbor (and hair stylist extraordinaire) Kelly was available to work her magic on Carter's head. Here is a little sampling of photos. Too bad I don't have sound working with these photos, cuz there was a lot of angry screaming to be heard ... he loves Miss Kelly, but not her scissors ....

Carter "before" ... not sure what to think about this whole
haircutting thing ...

Wearing the cape

Miss Kelly trying to work quickly while Carter was still. You can see that he is cooperating for the moment, but not too happy about it.

Angry boy. And the little hairs are probably itchy on his neck ...

Starting to feel better already! The finished product.


nateandkatesmom said...

That wasn't so bad. At least I didn't get kicked, or cut myself while he was moving all over as has happened to me before. Next time we'll try the juice box.

Chris Ann Schultz said...

Wow, that's always a fun experience. I've cut Chantel's hair. She was about 3 years old or a few months older when she received her first hair cut. I saved the curls. She had a lot of curls. It looks cute, his new cut.