Thursday, March 5, 2009

20 weeks

Today we had our 20 week ultrasound. I have been dying to know what exactly is growing inside there. I know, I know, a BABY is growing inside there ... but what kind??

And the answer is .... It's a GIRL!! We are thrilled. I am relieved that all seems to be normal and baby is growing and developing just fine. We are so very thankful!


nateandkatesmom said...

Awww...another little girl! That's great! I bet Audrey is thrilled! I'm so glad to hear that everything looks good. Your halfway there! I pray that the rest of your pregnancy is healthy and normal and that you will continue to feel well!

Karen said...

Fantastic news! Audrey will be so excited! That is what she told me she wanted. Congratulations and continued good health. Love to you all!

Anonymous said...

You'd be thrilled either way. (: Yay! Carter may be wearing princess backpacks but give it another few years and you know his little sister will end up wearing Buzz Lightyear or something. Haha!

ErinOrtlund said...

Congratulations!!! Save all the princess stuff!

Bekki said...

Congratulations! you are the first person I know who is having a girl this year! So many boys it's good to know there will be girls too. You know you might just need to have another one to round things out. hehe :)

Chris Ann Schultz said...

That's good news for Audrey and Carter seems to not mind, if he's wearing the afore mentioned backpack, princess.

Anonymous said...


Carter will be like my brother: sandwiched between two sisters, and strangely attractive to girls of all ages!

Anonymous said...

Yippee!! I am so excited for Audrey, and for big brother Carter who now has TWO sisters to defend the honor of later on in his life. ;) Congratulations on outnumbering the Smith boys! ~Allison

Unknown said...

Oh, that's great! Girl, boy, girl - perfect!

Anonymous said...

YAY, Amy! What an exciting blessing, mama!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I meant to ask you in church today, but completely forgot!!...
Yay, it's a girl! I'm so excited for you guys!